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1st Year Plan

Page history last edited by Carouzou 14 years, 6 months ago


Intercultural Competences Across The School Curriculum



Every partner school has a responsibility for a part of the Comenius project:

First year:


1. Making a CD-presentation of the school, city, and country with extra attention for the mother tongue and  English language and put it on the website of the school so that each school can load it down to get to know each other.

Every partner


2. Making movable mini-exhibitions/’project corners’ devoted to the project and project partners in each school.

Every partner


3. Doing research into the state of Intercultural Education in the partner schools:

Discussing and adopting a list of the intercultural competences.

Developing a scheme to describe subject areas and approaches which are used for Intercultural education in partner schools.




4. Identifying and describing what school subjects as well as concrete subject areas deal with developing   intercultural competences and to what extent, making reports and sending them to the Portuguese school

Every partner


5. Summarising and preparing the final report on the findings

Portugal by 10, December


6. Putting the results on the partner schools’ websites.

Every partner 

7. Designing a scheme for summarising all the co-curricular activities on intercultural topics, and sending it to every partner.

BG the beginning of Jan

8. Developing and exchanging sets of co-curricular activities on intercultural topics in order to implement them in our lessons.

Every partner - the beginning of Feb



9. Preparing a final CD with all the partners’ co-curricular activities on intercultural topics.




10. Organising school field trips as well as some Internet research to explore the area in order to find any cultural agents to contribute to Multicultural Education (museums, concert halls, libraries, Culture associations, etc); making brief reports on the results and put them on the partners’ websites

Every partner

11.Debates “Intercultural gaps or not”- inviting parents, neighbors, friends who are married to persons of other ethnicity, other religion and discussing the ways they manage to overcome these barriers as well as discussions/interviews with the children’s parents that are working abroad or with the immigrant children’s parents to find out about the problems they have faced and the way in which they have managed to adapt to different cultures, system of values.

Every partner

11. Building a Website which expertly explores intercultural education evidenced by depth of information from a variety of sources: primary sources (interviews, surveys, personal observations), original artwork and multimedia recordings and where appropriate, photographs and artwork will be the original work of the students.

Media elements (e.g. movies, photo essays, digital stories) can include a concise written synopsis that enhances the portrayal of the topic.

All content (e.g. written, media elements) will be educational and informative and raise awareness, presents action steps, and effectively engage others in addressing the issue and making a difference. Student team members will come from multiple cultural groups or socioeconomic backgrounds.



12. Doing research on the ancient Roman traces in every country involved (religion, architecture, language, traditions)

Every partner

they should be sent to the Italian partner –

April 2010


13. Developing and exchanging sets of co-curricular activities on intercultural topics in order to implement them in our lessons.                  

Every partner


14. Every partner (school) should implement several activities  - ONE LESSON PLAN PER SUBJECT MENTIONED IN THE ANALYSIS developed by the partners and assess them. 



15. Putting the results on the partner schools’ websites.

Every partner


16. Designing a scheme for summarising all the co-curricular activities on intercultural topics, and sending it to every partner.                                                                                                



Additional: a Partner Flag contest – every school should organıse a contest among ıts students related to the natıonal flags (partner schools only) – then brıng 3 best pıctures to Sıcıly – to the fınal contest  -  the begınnıng of May


17. Preparing a final CD with all the partners’ co-curricular activities on intercultural topics.       

 Italy – by the end of June













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